烏克蘭戰爭:Google 被歐盟要求刪除俄羅斯國家媒體

EU 已向 Google 發出請求,要求刪除在歐盟內部國家進行搜索的俄羅斯國家媒體結果。據《華盛頓郵報》報道,Google 已將歐盟官員的一封信上傳到政府請求數據庫。在信中,解釋了禁止在歐盟播放 RT 和 Sputnik 的正式命令如何適用於搜索引擎和一般的互聯網公司。

雖然不太清楚該命令如何適用於互聯網公司,但 Facebook、Twitter 和 TikTok 迅速限制了整個歐洲對 RT 和 Sputnik 的訪問。但 Google 只針對這些媒體的 YouTube 頻道。


“The activity of search engines plays a decisive role in the overall dissemination of content in that it renders the latter accessible to any internet user making a search on the basis of the content indication or related terms, including to internet users who otherwise would not have found the web page on which that content is published…Consequently, if search engines such as Google did not delist RT and Sputnik, they would facilitate the public’s access to the content of RT and Sputnik, or contribute to such access. It follows from the foregoing that by virtue of the Regulation, providers of Internet search services must make sure that i) any link to the Internet sites of RT and Sputnik and ii) any content of RT and Sputnik, including short textual descriptions, visual elements and links to the corresponding websites do not appear in the search results delivered to users located in the EU.”

信中還說,該命令適用於 “個人發布的覆制 RT 和 Sputnik 內容的帖子”,例如,這些機構的文章截圖。若這些帖子出現,社交網絡必須刪除。

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