烏克蘭戰爭:Pokemon GO 都無得你玩!

由於俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭的持續軍事侵略,Niantic 公司宣布,它將 “Pokemon GO” 以及 “Pikmin Bloom “等其他遊戲關閉,無法在俄羅斯無法下載。即使已經下載了遊戲的俄羅斯人也無法玩,俄羅斯以及白俄羅斯成為罕見的 “Pokemon GO” 黑區。


“We stand with the global community in hoping for peace and a rapid resolution to the violence and suffering in Ukraine,” “Niantic’s games are no longer available for download in Russia and Belarus, and gameplay will also be suspended there shortly.”

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