烏克蘭戰爭:德國 / 意大利 警告 kaspersky 可用來監視你

德國信息安全當局警告說,俄羅斯公司 Kaspersky 卡巴斯基的反病毒工具可能被用來監視全世界的用戶。

德國聯邦信息安全局(BSI)最近發出警告說,在俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭的情況下,Kaspersky 卡巴斯基殺毒軟件可能被濫用來發動網絡攻擊,或者用於竊聽和間諜活動。


“俄羅斯的IT制造商可以自己開展進攻行動,被迫違背自己的意願攻擊目標系統,或者作為網絡行動的受害者在不知情的情況下被監視,或者被濫用為攻擊自己客戶的工具” “具有特殊安全利益的公司和當局以及關鍵基礎設施的運營商尤其面臨風險。”

“A Russian IT manufacturer can carry out offensive operations itself, be forced to attack target systems against its will, or be spied on without its knowledge as a victim of a cyber operation, or be misused as a tool for attacks against its own customers,” “Companies and authorities with special security interests and operators of critical infrastructures are particularly at risk,”


卡巴斯基發言人 Francesco Tius 對 TechCrunch 表示:”我們將繼續向我們的合作夥伴和客戶保證我們產品的質量和完整性,我們將與BSI合作,以澄清其決定,並尋求解決其和其他監管機構的關注。 “卡巴斯基是一家私營的全球網絡安全公司,作為一家私營公司,與俄羅斯或任何其他政府沒有關系”。

“We will continue to assure our partners and customers in the quality and integrity of our products, and we will be working with the BSI for clarification on its decision and for the means to address its and other regulators’ concerns,” “Kaspersky is a private global cybersecurity company and, as a private company, does not have ties to the Russian or any other government.”

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