
潮興「AI」,想同人傾 AI,但又唔想只係提 ChatGPT、Google Bard、Bing Chat 等等,想聽落勁啲,更高層次。以下是一些 AI 人工智慧業界常用的術語。


  • 不要觸碰 Case Study 或任何實際使用場景。
  • 無需直接提及 ChatGPT,Bard,Claude 等應用。
  • 視所有 AI 應用為「相同」,以原理討論,一視同仁。
  • 任何時候都只探討高層次的理論 並作出質疑。
  • Let Them Speak. 對方說時只要聽,然後深思。


AGI 代表「人工通用智慧」。作為一個概念,它用於指一種比目前可能的人工智慧更先進的技術,能夠像大多數人類一樣或更好地完成大多數事情,包括改善自身。

“For me, AGI is the equivalent of a median human that you could hire as a coworker, and they could say do anything you would be happy with a remote coworker doing behind a computer,” Sam Altman

AI Ethics 人工智慧倫理


AI Safety




“What these systems get aligned to — whose values, what those bounds are — that is somehow set by society as a whole, by governments. And so creating that dataset, our alignment dataset, it could be, an AI constitution, whatever it is, that has got to come very broadly from society,” Sam Altman

Emergent behavior 新興行為


“Even as a first step, however, GPT-4 challenges a considerable number of widely held assumptions about machine intelligence, and exhibits emergent behaviors and capabilities whose sources and mechanisms are, at this moment, hard to discern precisely,” Microsoft Researchers.

Fast takeoff or hard takeoff


“AGI could happen soon or far in the future; the takeoff speed from the initial AGI to more powerful successor systems could be slow or fast,” Sam Altman


另一種說法是「Harf takeoff 」。它也被描述為「快速開始壓倒性的掌握」的首字母縮略詞,在幾篇博客和論文中都有提到。

“It’s like you believe in the ridiculous hard take-off ‘foom’ scenario, which makes it sound like you have zero understanding of how everything works,” Yann LeCun


用於訓練模型和運行推理的芯片,是玩高級電腦遊戲所使用的芯片的後代。目前最常用的模型是 Nvidia 的 A100。


是大型科技公司目前正在建立的軟件和政策,以確保人工智慧模型不會洩漏數據或產生令人不安的內容,這通常被稱為「偏離軌道」。它還可以指保護人工智慧不偏離主題的特定應用程序,例如 Nvidia 的「NeMo 防護欄」產品。

“The moment for government to play a role has not passed us by this period of focused public attention on AI is precisely the time to define and build the right guardrails to protect people and their interests,” Christina Montgomery.

Inference 推理


“The problem with inference is if the workload spikes very rapidly, which is what happened to ChatGPT. It went to like a million users in five days. There is no way your GPU capacity can keep up with that,” Sid Sheth

Large Language model 大型語言模型

是支撐 ChatGPT 和 Google Bard 的一種人工智慧模型。它的定義特徵是使用 TB 級的數據來查找單詞之間的統計關係,這是它生成看起來像人類寫的文本的方式。

Paperclips 紙夾

是人工智慧安全倡議者的重要象徵,因為它象徵著人工通用智慧可能摧毀人類的機會。它是哲學家尼克·博斯特羅姆發表的一個思想實驗,該「超級智慧」的任務是製造盡可能多的紙夾。它決定將所有人類、地球和越來越多的宇宙轉化為紙夾。OpenAI 的標誌是對這個故事的一個引用。

Singularity 奇異點


“The advent of artificial general intelligence is called a singularity because it is so hard to predict what will happen after that,” Elon Musk

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