烏克蘭戰爭:Apple 俄羅斯不賣了,Apple Pay 也停了

與 Google、Microsoft 等美國公司做法相同,Apple 也正式確認,他們在俄羅斯暫停業務(別再想著因盧布下跌可以去執平貨)。

Apple 停止所有產品包括 iPhone 與 MacBook 等發售,Apple Pay 暫停服務,RT News 與 Sputnik News 也不能在俄羅斯境外下載。鳥克蘭的 Apple Maps 不提供實時交通功能。

以下是 Apple 公司的聲明稿:

“We are deeply concerned about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and stand with all of the people who are suffering as a result of the violence. We are supporting humanitarian efforts, providing aid for the unfolding refugee crisis, and doing all we can to support our teams in the region.

We have taken a number of actions in response to the invasion. We have paused all product sales in Russia. Last week, we stopped all exports into our sales channel in the country. Apple Pay and other services have been limited. RT News and Sputnik News are no longer available for download from the App Store outside Russia. And we have disabled both traffic and live incidents in Apple Maps in Ukraine as a safety and precautionary measure for Ukrainian citizens.

We will continue to evaluate the situation and are in communication with relevant governments on the actions we are taking. We join all those around the world who are calling for peace.”